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External EOA Shop
Welcome to the external EOA shop for our online Internetgame:
Elves of Allalhill
Through here external packages containing ingame assets can be bought.
Note: After donating make sure to drop pelantas an ingame message containing your paypal transaction ID. This way we can verify your payment and add your purchased assets asap.
Below the list of packages containing unique assets could be purchased. Please take a good look at the descriptions on what you'll receive as soon as we receive your Paypal transaction ID.
Newbie Starter-Pack, $4,99
Purchase a Newbie Starter-Pack worth $4,99 to kickstart your adventures in the ForestLand. This package contains:
- 20.000 TreeCoins,
- 50 Adamantine Fragments,
- 150 Diamonds, spendable at The Black Markets, located in every major city,
- A free upgrade to weapons with a power of 4. So the Throwing dagger and the Padded Fingerless Gloves.
Note: When you already have a stronger weapon and / or armor then this upgrade won't be applied. Also, when you kill the ForestOrc Chieftain these will be set back to weapons of power 1.
Buy this Neewbie Starter-Pack through the presented Paypal Button below for $4.99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this package to your account.
Newbie Starter-Pack for EOA, $4.99
ThanksGiving Festive-Pack, $7.50
Buy this festive-pack designed for the celebration of ThanksGiving on Elves of Allalhill and boost your carreer as a honourable member of the Assassin's Guild. This Festive-Pack contains:
- 25.000 TreeCoins,
- 75 Adamantine Fragments,
- 200 Diamonds, spendable at The Black Markets, located in every major city,
- A festive weapon and armor of power level 20, namely the great bronzen beak of the legendary turkey-master Delidon, and his inovation, the Turkey-Wings which will certainly boost your agility!
Note: The weapon and armor will dissapear at the moment you slay the ForestOrc Chieftain. If you'd like to continue using this weapon and armor make sure to file a support ticket and we'll return them to you.
Buy this ThanksGiving Festive-Pack through the presented Paypal Button below for $7.50. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this package to your account.
ThanksGiving Festive-Pack for EOA, $7.50
Diamond Packages
Below here several packs containing Diamonds could be purchased. All of these keep the 100 diamonds for $1,00 in mind, but with a cool 25% extra you'll receive. These packs will be given to your account as soon as we receive your Paypal transaction ID.
Diamond Package worth $10, (+25%)
Purchase diamonds worth $10,00 with a cool 25% extra! This will mean 1.250 Diamonds for just $9,99.
Buy a Diamond Package worth $10,00 via the presented Paypal Button below for $9,99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this Diamond Package to your account.
Diamond Package worth $10, $9.99
Diamond Package worth $20, (+25%)
Purchase diamonds worth $20,00 with a cool 25% extra! This will mean 2.500 Diamonds for just $19,99.
Buy a Diamond Package worth $20,00 via the presented Paypal Button below for $19,99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this Diamond Package to your account.
Diamond Package worth $20, $19.99
Diamond Package worth $30, (+25%)
Purchase diamonds worth $30,00 with a cool 25% extra! This will mean 3.750 Diamonds for just $29,99.
Buy a Diamond Package worth $30,00 via the presented Paypal Button below for $29,99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this Diamond Package to your account.
Diamond Package worth $30, $29.99
Character assets
Below assets could be bought that enhance your character in one way or the other. These assets will be added to your account as soon as we receive your Paypal transaction ID.
Favor Boost, $0.99
Purchase this Favor Boost containing 100 Favor with Hades for $0.99. No need to do a little Pest Control and resurrect yourself imidiately when this pack is added to your account. When a new day arrives you still will be having the 100 Favor Boost untill the next time you end up dead.
Note: With this one it can be you lose your favor after you confront the ForestOrc Chieftain. When this is the case adjustments will be made.
Buy this Favor Boost through the presented Paypal Button below for $0.99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this package to your account.
Favor Boost for EOA, $0.99
Charm Boost, $1.99
Buy a boost of 100 Charm Points. Very easy to seduce Filarion or Silvis in the Clever Hatched Inn for example. Also very useful to keep up with your relation with them.
Buy this Charm Boost through the presented Paypal Button below for $1.99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of adding this package to your account.
Charm Boost for EOA, $1.99
A Custom Mount, $9,99
Purchase a Custom Mount to use on EOA. The Custom Mount will have the following attributes:
- Your Strength & Agility will be multiplied by 1,35. E.G. you have 30 Strength, with the mount it is: 40.50.
- The buff that causes this advantages lasts for 1000 rounds. Each new game day this buff refreshes.
- Name, New Day message, Buff Name and such can be provided by you. To give your game some extra flair.
Buy a Custom Mount via the presented Paypal Button below for $9.99. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID, so we can start the process of creating your Custom Mount.
Custom Mount for EOA, $9.99
Character Perks
Below a list of available character perks could be purchased. These perks will be activated on your account as soon as we receive your Paypal Transaction ID.
Account Never Expires, $10,00
Purchase the perk so your account gets never deleted from our servers. Normally you can remain offline for a set amount of days before your account gets whiped from our database by the system. With this perk active on your account this won't be happening to you.
Purchase the perk to prevent your account from getting deleted from our database for just $10.00. Make sure to provide us with your Paypal Transaction ID so we can activate this perk on your account.
Account Never Expires, $10.00
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