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Recent news

This is the section where recent news will be posted. Keep in mind that small changes to our games will be mentioned in the changelogs wich you can read on the
Our audiogames page
Our online games page


Today marks a great day. Today is the day that Your_adventure Beta 4.2 is released. This release solves all bugs as far as we know. With great thanks to Marek Uram, also known as Mara from:
The audiogames.net community forums
who reached out to us offering the help we required so the bugs which were still in the core could be squashed. This leaves us with a core which is as stable as can be and we'll give it our best afforts to make certain the core will remain stable.
Thank you very much Mara for helping us solve the issues!

The owners of the Arcadia add-on will receive an email within the upcoming hour. For the players who don't own the Arcadia add-on:
Make sure to grab the latest update here
As a sidenote, with this release you'll need to start over, to make certain that the game will work as it should be.

We want to wish anyone great fun with this new, and stable release!


Hi all,

Through this message i'd like to inform anyone that beta 4.1 of our Your_adventure audiogame is released. This release covers several dire bugfixes we had with the harvesting and woodcutting systems. These systems are completely rewritten in a somewhat more manual yet interactive way. Also, we made some tweaks which hopefully will make combat more enjoyable, challenging and detailed. Read all about it in our included read me or changelog.
Grab the game via our Your_adventure detailpage

We want to thank the audiogames.net community for suggesting a bunch of stuff which we started to work on in this release and we will be doing in the upcoming few beta 4.x releases.


With the release of beta 4.0 version of our Your_adventure audiogame almost 24 hours old we noticed a few problems. The problems in the build are solved through a patch 4.0.1 patch which can be found through:
Our Your_adventure mainpage

Also, we noticed a few email addresses that purchased our arcadia add-on but who can't be reached. Our emails with the updated package included were bounced back to us. If you haven't received your copy of the arcadia add-on yet, please sent us an email through:
Our contact page
And we'll set you up.
Note: Please mention the paypal address via which you purchased the add-on so we can verify your identity.

We want to wish any and each of you fun with the beta 4.0.1 update!


After quite some time we can announce that Your_adventure beta 4.0 is released. Not to much in terms of content which is added, but mainly under the hood changes. Read all about it in the included changelog. Or grab the new version at: The Your_adventure audiogame page

The people who purchased the arcadia, previously known as the castlevania add-on, will receive individual links to redownload the package with the add-on enabled.

Have an awsome day all!


Hi all,
Audio cookieclicker v2.0 has been released. Find it via the
Audio cookieclicker information page
to find out more.
Have fun!


Hi all,

This hour concludes the easter events taking place throughout vandettacrime and nonvisiongames. On vandettacrime the random easter eggs will still popup till midnight, but the discount of our your_adventure castlevania add-on is being put back to the standard 5 euro's again.

I really hope you all had a wonderful easter, but, before i end this message, i want to tell you that a monster easter egg has been donated on vandettacrime, containing:

10.000.000 pound cash
10.000.000 pound bank
150 credits
300 bullets

This monster egg is available for all players to claim.

Have a wonderful sunday :)

Greetz pelantas


Welcome to castlevania young one, for now, we are starting the real easter events #lol. Last period, the previous week, i did look on the calendar incorrectly, stupid lantas, anyway, it gave you all the chance to rake in extra gifts on
And an extra week of a 40% discount on
Our your_adventure audiogame
Anyway, the real easter events did start right now. This does mean a cool discount on castlevania. Till the 3rd of May. And, the real easter events did start on vandettacrime.com.
Also, a very inportant thing we have to announce, is, that our mac store is now closed. Cause with the recent course apple is taking with the new osx update, we aren't able to convert the games anymore in a good way. Therefore, we have decided our mac stores are closed now. If you have purchased any of our products for mac, then feel free to contact us, and we will grand you a free upgrade to the windows platform.
If you did lose your copy of the castlevania add-on, then also feel free to contact us, and we will send you a new link. Also, if you haven't received our mail with the link, then also let us know, then we will get the game to you via a different method. Gmx addresses seem to be blocked in some occasions.
Lets have an awsome easter event guys and girls!
Greetings from the easter team of nonvisiongames


The time of events is there again guys. I mentioned it to be easter events, but to be honest, I did look on the calendar a bit incorrectly, that's my bad, but the events will continue none the less. Lets view it as a pre-period before the real easter events :P. However, the events embrace a few things. First of all, the castlevania add-on of our Your_adventure audiogame dropped in price, and costs 3,00 euro's instead of the usual 5,00. It can be found
Via this link
Also, on our online mafiagame
Small events take place. Several eggs are scattered around in the game world, will you find these and claim the rewards which are inside? Also, the credit exchange store has some extra's added and a special weapon is added in the shop.
These events will last till the 12th of April.
Have fun all! :)


For some reading this post it already almost is new year, for others it still takes a few hours before new year arrives. Anyhow, we from nonvisiongames want to wish everyone a very happy new year. That 2019 may be a year full of prosperity, good health, lots of luck and that it may be a good year in general. Thanks a lot for playing our games and supporting our work.
A nice song to celebrate new year as a community
Happy new year!


Audio cookie clicker has been released. Check
Audio cookie clickers information page
For more details.


The castlevania add-on of our your_adventure audiogame dropped in price. Till the 7th of january the castlevania add-on can be purchased for 3 euro, instead of 5, so a cool 40% cheaper! #crazy_christmas_cheapness
The progress of the first patch is going well, but is slowed down a bit cause of a small sideproject, which we will release upcoming monday. This is a small incremental audiogame which i personally found fun to throw together. It is an audio version of the cookie clicker app on ios. This project of course will be free for everyone to download and play. Hey, who doesn't love cookies during christmas, allthough, i even love them when it isn't christmas :D
Stay save everyone, stay well rested, keep yourself warm these days, and keep your hitpoints above zero, always.


Your_adventure beta 3.0 has been released. Grab it via
The your_adventure information page
With this release, we also opened up the your_adventure add-on store. The castlevania add-on is available from
The your_adventure add-ons page
Please allow us up till 24 hours before sending reminders to our support email.
We wish you a lot of fun!


I wrote a small guess the number game out of boredom while i am getting things done for the first your_adventure audiogame add-on. This stuff is mainly related to insurances etc ... Bleh.
You can find it via our
Our audiogames page


Just updated the windows version for our Your_adventure game as well. Patch 2 is now included. So no unecessary downloading of this patch is required anymore. If you already patched the game yourself, no worries, nothing new is added, just patched the main directory, so this extra downloading step can be skipped. Just download the file on the games page if you want to give it a try.
Editted the version numbers on the your_adventure page as well, to reflect wich patch is included. So both the version of windows and mac received the number 2.2. To indicate that patch 2 is included.
visit our Your_adventure page here


Just updated the links for Your_adventure for the mac, right now patch 2 is included in this version as well, and the link for patch 2 for windows. They'll both shouldn't give any forbidden frames messages anymore.
The your_adventure page


Just added a link to patch 2 on the
Your_adventure page
Wich fixes two bugs for sure.


added a mac-version for the your_adventure audiogame, please keep in mind that some different behaviour can occur, cause this is a direct port from the windows version.
find it on this page


Your_adventure beta 2 is released. Grab it via: The Your_adventure page
We wish you lots of fun, and if there are any bugs, please let us know via the contact page.


Fixed a typo in the description of vandettacrime. With great thanks to a friend for noticing.


Added a changelog page under the vandettacrime heading on our
online games page


Just updated the link for downloading Your_adventure rough beta 2. It is now hosted on a more stable fileserver.
You can find the link
via the your_adventure page


Just added a review about vandettacrime, written by the awsome guys from
The online games page can be found via this link


Just linked this domain to the server, and completed version 1.0 of this website.


Started development of this new nonvisiongames website.

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